Creating a SAProuter system
SAProuters can also be scanned by Protect4S VM if another SAP system is installed on the same host or if a standalone SMD agent is installed on the same host and if these can be reached over the network on port 5XX13 (HTTP) or 5XX14 (HTTPS). To install a standalone SMD agent via SWPM see SAP Note 2253383.
Next, to create such a system connection, select the System Type "SAProuter" when creating a new system and fill the needed information:
In the case of a standalone SMD agent you can use the DAAADM user or you can use the <sid>adm user of another SAP instance or a custom created OS user.
Also make sure to point the connection wizard to the Developer trace of the SAProuter as by default in /usr/sap/saprouter/dev_rout for linux or c:\usr\sap\saprouter\dev_rout for windows or as specified differently via the SAProuter -T flag.
The created System-ID for SAProuter systems is done based on the systems' role. The naming convention is "SR" where one letter is added. For example a "P" for production and a "D" for development.
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